Investing in a Brighter Future for Morocco

Investing in businesses that create a brighter future for the economies and people of Morocco. 

Kevin Howson, Principal, Pillars of LIght

Pillars of Light is a social-entrepreneurship investment and consulting practice. 

Pillars of Light Consulting is a Moroccan SARL owned by Kevin Howson, a Canadian who spent 20 years living in the USA but now lives in Rabat as a Moroccan permanent resident. Pillars of Light starts and invests in Moroccan businesses and also does periodic consulting work for a variety of clients .

Kevin Howson is a businessman and social entrepreneur who is committed to using his skills, knowledge and resources to advance businesses that are seeking to create a positive impact for their employees, communities and customers.

Working for Change.

Pillars of Light is shaped by the idea that work is a source of purpose and glorification of God.

Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving

Colossians 3:23-24 (NIV)


Dignified investments in human and natural resources.

Moroccan resources

Resource Rich

Morocco boasts rich agricultural and natural resources -- including berries, fabrics and teak wood -- all with valuable and largely untapped market opportunity. 

Photo by hadynyah/iStock / Getty Images

Human Potential

Leveraging the talents and skills of Moroccans is key to fostering economic opportunity and a robust workforce for the next generation.

Photo by EvrenKalinbacak/iStock / Getty Images

Premium Craftsmanship

Morocco is known for exquisite quality and craftsmanship in its fabrics, teak wood designs, rugs and other trades.

Moroccan Tannery.png

Social Entrepreneurship

Pillars of Light is actively cultivating a portfolio of businesses that make ethical use of the country's rich resources, create robust employment opportunities for the Moroccan people and leverage the value of the outstanding craftsmanship, all with the goal of helping Morocco thrive as an economy and a participant in the global marketplace.